Adult Words & Wine
Third Thursdays, 7-9pm. $25 per person each class
Why should your kids have all the fun? This adult version of Camp Write On! has a variety of writing activities from a more journal or autobiographical stand or straight up fictional creations from many writing prompts I will share.
Wine is optional, writing and creating is not.
All About Characters
Main character, antagonist, supporting characters are all important. This week is entirely devoted to developing your character. FYI, it’s often found the story reveals itself in this process. (Because of the 4-day schedule, this includes a floating one-on-one meeting with Ms. Ann.)
Four-week, one hour sessions. $100
What will we work on? Well, that is entirely up to the writer. If they'd like to create a story from the ground up, work on one that they need help with, self-editing, creative writing prompts to get ideas stirring, grammar lessons, workshopping, etc., I'm open to it.
Younger Kids Camp
This one is geared for younger kids (K-3) who are getting used to writing. We’ll combine drawing and words with stories.
Autobiography & Journaling
Learning to write about your own life is a great start to writing. With personal prompts, we will dive deep and write about the most intriguing subject: ourselves.
The Reluctant Writer
Does the idea of putting words on paper make you cringe? Do you hate your handwriting? This is the class for you. With prompts to help the idea flow, we’ll help the stubbornest of writers.
Fairytale ReTelling
A lot of today’s books are based on the fairytales we remember reading as children. We will take our favorite classics and rewrite them for a new world with new twists.
World Building
Ever read a story that has a world you want to visit? We will create a world before you even create the people who live in it!
Challenge Genres
Horror and creepy stories? Mysteries? Historical fiction? Take a book genre you’ve always wanted to write and just do it! This week, we’ll overcome the fear and dive into those.
Fan Fiction
Take well-known characters from stories, movies and comics and remake them in your own style!
Week of Writing Prompts
All week, we’ll create new stories with prompts triggering new ideas and stories. Excellent for writer’s block!
Historical Fiction
Go back in time and create a story of someone who lived back then. Research will happen!
Mythology of Our Own & Lore Creation
Some of the best stories come from mythology, fairy tales and lore. Writers will get to create their own. Works great as a companion to other work they’ve done.
Screen and Scriptwriting
Write a play! Using the Save the Cat! Method, we will help the kids write an intriguing script, or at least start one.
Just Writing Games
One of the most fun parts about Camp Write On! 1.0 were the games. Now in Camp Write On! 2.0, we’re bringing some back. These also trigger ideas like whoa.
Superheroes & Supervillains!
Create your own superhero with powers and their very own arch nemesis! This popular class is getting its own week! No art skills needed, but we will draw.
Plot Like Ms. Ann
(Two Weeks) We will lay out the plotting of a book that I’ve found to work for me. Each day will have a new section of your novel to work on. At the end of two weeks, you will have a story laid out ready to launch into your drafting. Also included: a one-on-one Zoom session to review it.
Realistic Contemporary Fiction
This is a story that could happen in your neighborhood or your school. FYI, this is Ms. Ann’s jam.
One of the hardest things to do is open yourself up to others. This workshop will focus on each other where writers will critique each other’s work. I will also provided a one-on-one critique.